Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Google Lighthouse

 Google Lighthouse is a Chrome extension that you can download for free. With the Lighthouse tool, you can quickly generate a report with Performance, Progressive Web App, Accessibility, Best Practices, and SEO scores. This report will give you a quick overview of how your site is doing. Plus, you can immediately start working on the areas that need attention. You can also use the web-based version on web.dev/measure. Very helpful if you are working to improve your Page Experience scores.


To get insights into how your visitors move, scroll and click on your web pages, you could use a tool like Hotjar. This user research tool can also add polls or surveys to your site to start doing research. You can try it for free, and the paid packages have competitive prices.

Interested in more valuable tools? Check our list of favorite SEO tools here!

8. Promote your site

Thanks to WordPress SEO, you put a lot of time and effort into your site’s content and ensure readers can find it via search engines. But there are other ways to get people to visit your WordPress site and read your posts. But how do you get and grow such an audience? Simply writing posts and putting these out there won’t do the trick: you must promote your site!

8.1. Encourage engagement

It’s always fun to interact with your readers, but how do you get them to engage? We mean all the ways people can interact with your post with engagement. It could be leaving a comment, sharing it on social media, or taking action.

But how do you get people to engage? You can always ask them! Write engagingly, and then ask your readers for their opinion. Then respond to these comments to keep the conversation going and build a relationship with your readers.

Engagement also benefits WordPress SEO, showing that your site is alive and active. If you want to dive deeper into blog engagement, you can read our post on how you can increase blog engagement.

8.2. Grow your reach

Social media is the best way to reach and grow your blog’s audience. You should be active on the social media channels where your (potential) audience is present. Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter are examples of popular social media. It might be a lot to decide on, so you can find out more in our blog post on social media strategy: where to begin?

8.3. Build a mailing list

In addition to using social media to promote your blog, investing in a newsletter is often a good idea. Let people sign up for it and send emails with your latest blog posts and other fun facts.

Ensure that you offer a subscribe field beneath your posts and other visible places on your website. Make sure that your newsletter is mobile-friendly. But, most of all, make sure your newsletter is truly something special!

8.4. Amplify your content

The number of blog posts published daily is enormous, so it’s becoming much harder to stand out. Your articles are likely to get lost in the vast sea of content. To help your content reach its full potential, you need to amplify it.

If your content is original and well-structured, you’re probably able to reach new audiences. Look at how you can get new audiences beyond your organic reach.

Maybe advertising on Facebook or Instagram might be a good way to reach new audiences for your content? Analyze what channels you already use and decide where you can do more to broaden your audience.

9. Conclusions

This guide gives you a lot of stuff you can do on WordPress SEO for your site. It goes from technical SEO tips to conversion tips, content tips, conversation tips, and a lot in between. There’s a catch, though: if you want to rank for highly competitive terms, you’ll have to do most of it and create great and compelling content.

You compete with every other website and business for attention, visitors, and outcomes. That means you have to put in a lot of hard work and keep your site SEO fit. Have you neglected your SEO for a while? Don’t worry; it can happen to the best of us! Check Marieke’s post for excellent advice about getting your SEO back on track.

If you want to keep updated on the latest news about WordPress, SEO, and our plugins, you can subscribe to our newsletter and stay one step ahead of the competition!

Keep reading: What is a headless CMS and what does it mean for SEO? »

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